The Deckathalon only comes around like once a month, and the school is different each time. That makes it hard to upgrade your deckathalon deck since a lot of time is spent not doing it. I'd like to at least be able to choose which tower we climb in the event, rather than just being at the mercy of whoever decides the school.
The Deckathalon only comes around like once a month, and the school is different each time. That makes it hard to upgrade your deckathalon deck since a lot of time is spent not doing it. I'd like to at least be able to choose which tower we climb in the event, rather than just being at the mercy of whoever decides the school.
That's an interesting suggestion! Maybe we can do this once in a while.
Yeah something like this would be a cool idea. One of the big ironies of the Deckathalon is that while it was intended as a treasure card sink it can actually lead to more hoarding of treasure cards. For example I might want to collect any Lord of the Squall and Oni No Jade treasure cards I come across in anticipation of the next Myth Deckathalon, but since it only comes around once every 7 months I'd be hanging on to those cards for a long while. Being able to participate in a specific school Deckathalon more frequently would allow me to burn through some of my TC stockpiles. I therefore feel this would add to the developer's intent behind the event.
Deckathalon is by far my least favorite event. I haven't really cared for it since it's inception. Maybe once we get a few other types of events going there would be a chance to have multiple events going each week? So like Sprial Scene and the Deckathalon would be active at the same time?