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Beastmoon Practice mode

Nov 27, 2013
When a new wiz is introduced to pvp, Diego gives a short course on how it works, how the spells act, what the parts of the arena are.

I suggest it would be helpful for there to be a similar introduction for Beastmoon. Today I was in a match in which two people on the team I was on were in their first Beastmoon match. The spiral was open before they even chosen their beast form. This crippled our team.

It would be nice to be able to try the forms and spells when you are in an environment where you won't let your teammates down if you fail.

It would be nice to be able to get familiar with the Beastmoon arena in that same environment.

There is a learning curve to the Beastmoon. It doesn't need to be as steep as it is. Many folks are so confused when they try it that they don't return.

Dec 09, 2008
ChicoValerian on Feb 6, 2020 wrote:
When a new wiz is introduced to pvp, Diego gives a short course on how it works, how the spells act, what the parts of the arena are.

I suggest it would be helpful for there to be a similar introduction for Beastmoon. Today I was in a match in which two people on the team I was on were in their first Beastmoon match. The spiral was open before they even chosen their beast form. This crippled our team.

It would be nice to be able to try the forms and spells when you are in an environment where you won't let your teammates down if you fail.

It would be nice to be able to get familiar with the Beastmoon arena in that same environment.

There is a learning curve to the Beastmoon. It doesn't need to be as steep as it is. Many folks are so confused when they try it that they don't return.
Great suggestions! We have a couple of ideas here :).

Regarding the Beastmoon learning curve, we're continually refining balance of the overall event. To help new players, we already just introduced this player guide:


Oct 12, 2017
He is right though, diegos tutorials help a lot especially for visual and tactical learners, because reading a full article may not help them fully remember unless they play while they read

May 11, 2012
ChicoValerian on Feb 6, 2020 wrote:
When a new wiz is introduced to pvp, Diego gives a short course on how it works, how the spells act, what the parts of the arena are.

I suggest it would be helpful for there to be a similar introduction for Beastmoon. Today I was in a match in which two people on the team I was on were in their first Beastmoon match. The spiral was open before they even chosen their beast form. This crippled our team.

It would be nice to be able to try the forms and spells when you are in an environment where you won't let your teammates down if you fail.

It would be nice to be able to get familiar with the Beastmoon arena in that same environment.

There is a learning curve to the Beastmoon. It doesn't need to be as steep as it is. Many folks are so confused when they try it that they don't return.
I agree completely with this post. The Beastmoon event leaves me confused, even after reading the guide. I learn better by doing then reading.
I am one of the ones that tried Beastmoon and never returned to it.

Apr 07, 2011
I like this idea, to have a practice beast moon arena ....just like there is for pvp. We could have Tournaments, rankings, and special beast moon tickets, and Tournament prizes for placement and for tickets we can spend on.

I think this would be totally a better system and new era, over pvp - which has dominates wizards for pass 9-10 years almost. Beastmoon is a lot more funner platform, and find it less toxic people!

Nov 27, 2013
how about instead of a separate area for practice, a couple days before the beastmoon event, the maps are open for practice? no rewards or very limited rewards but you could try different forms and learn the spells?

Dec 30, 2008
Where do all my Beastmoon Battle Coins go? I harvest seeds so I can craft stuff and I collect Battle Coins with each harvest. Yet, if I go to play the Beastmoon Hunt, there are only 100 Battle Coins and I cannot get any more after the game unless I go make a fresh harvest. What happens to all the coins I collected before? You guys are robbing me.

Sep 07, 2011
Yes, I'd love a tutorial or walk-through. I have not tried Beastmoon at all, as I have no idea how it works and don't want to mess up a team with my inexperience.

Nov 27, 2013
brothersky on May 12, 2020 wrote:
Where do all my Beastmoon Battle Coins go? I harvest seeds so I can craft stuff and I collect Battle Coins with each harvest. Yet, if I go to play the Beastmoon Hunt, there are only 100 Battle Coins and I cannot get any more after the game unless I go make a fresh harvest. What happens to all the coins I collected before? You guys are robbing me.
we are limited to accumulating no more than 100 battle coins.

I have found that the school-specific beastmoon seeds give more coins than the elemental or spirit seeds, so during an event that's what I plant

Oct 18, 2009
This would be a heaven send. A chance to learn the map set up would have been great because I could never remember where the teleports lead or how to get to certain battle circles. Also since there's such a rush to choose I never really get to stop and look at the spells as well as I would like.

Aug 08, 2010
Discord Spiders on May 29, 2020 wrote:
This would be a heaven send. A chance to learn the map set up would have been great because I could never remember where the teleports lead or how to get to certain battle circles. Also since there's such a rush to choose I never really get to stop and look at the spells as well as I would like.
You can check any form's spells at all its levels at the "beast form upgrades" station in the arena any time, even when the event isn't on.