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Beastmoon multi account cheating

Oct 27, 2009
So what are you, King Isle, doing to prevent this type of cheating that has continued to grow and grow?

As a normal player, some of us go in and there is wizards with the exact same names on both teams.

One of those people with the exact same full name literally starts a fight and flees giving points to the other team. Even if Im on the team that is getting the points, this is still not a good game play experience by just getting free points using this method of cheating.

Some of us non-cheating people want a real fight where NO one has an upper hand because they are playing both sides. In Stock market trading and all forms of business its called a 'Conflict of Interest'. You can't play both sides of the fence. Its a prosecuteable offense and people go to jail for doing it.

How about a simple solution? Only one ip address is allowed in a match at a time. Not one ip with 4 accts with a player on the other team, but no duplicate ip address period. Meaning people can only play one single wizard in a match. And problem solved just like that.