It says on the official Wizard101 site, that Wizard City is at the center of everything.
"Wizard City is at the center of all things." as well as, "Wizard City: Home of the Spiral."
This implies that Wizard City is at the center of the Spiral. There are also tons of "maps of the Spiral" that indicates that as well. Like this one from the official Wizard101 page:
However, on the new Test Realm update notes, it clearly states that,
"The center of the Spiral, Empyrea, was painstakingly created by Raven to keep the Chaos Heart safe and Spider out. In fact, it was designed to keep pretty much everyone out."
Keen eye, Wizard Hawkward! You've stumbled upon not just a teensie semantic slip-up. Empyrea should have been described as such:
"The central source of Magic for all the Spiral, Empyrea was painstakingly created by Raven to keep the Chaos Heart safe and Spider out. In fact, it was designed to keep pretty much everyone out."
That said though, it's important to remember that the layout of the Spiral is nearly impossible to define in linear geographical or directional terms. Locations within the Spiral, technically speaking, are relative. In certain ways, the Spiral is unorientable altogether. In other ways, you can measure a direct line from Point A to Point B. But you don't want get me started on multidimensional Euclidean space-time!
The important thing to remember is that most living creatures are the center their "world". So when the denizens of a particular location describe their home as being "at the center of everything", they're not wrong. I'm sure most Wizards would agree with saying Wizard City is the center of everything as well, regardless of where it does or doesn't fall on a physical map. Ask any Valencian what the center of the Spiral is, and you'll get a drastically different answer than if you ask a Marleybonian.
So to make a long story short, lore - much like positioning - is dependent upon the perspective of who's writing it.
Keen eye, Wizard Hawkward! You've stumbled upon not just a teensie semantic slip-up. Empyrea should have been described as such:
"The central source of Magic for all the Spiral, Empyrea was painstakingly created by Raven to keep the Chaos Heart safe and Spider out. In fact, it was designed to keep pretty much everyone out."
That said though, it's important to remember that the layout of the Spiral is nearly impossible to define in linear geographical or directional terms. Locations within the Spiral, technically speaking, are relative. In certain ways, the Spiral is unorientable altogether. In other ways, you can measure a direct line from Point A to Point B. But you don't want get me started on multidimensional Euclidean space-time!
The important thing to remember is that most living creatures are the center their "world". So when the denizens of a particular location describe their home as being "at the center of everything", they're not wrong. I'm sure most Wizards would agree with saying Wizard City is the center of everything as well, regardless of where it does or doesn't fall on a physical map. Ask any Valencian what the center of the Spiral is, and you'll get a drastically different answer than if you ask a Marleybonian.
So to make a long story short, lore - much like positioning - is dependent upon the perspective of who's writing it.
Ooh, while we are discussing Wizard101 lore, then I have another interesting piece of information about Empyrea that seems noteworthy to talk about.
In Wysteria, someone mentioned that Empyrea exports sky squid ink. This seems fine and all, but in Test Realm, we learn that Empyrea was "designed to keep pretty much everyone out." The Ark also barely managed to get through the Aethyr storm, so how do simple Empyrean ships manage to get through it? :P I do recall a citizen saying that the storm got worse due to the conflict between Grandmother Raven and Grandfather Spider, but is that really the answer for how ships managed to get past it before?
Also, I thought the source of all magic was Bartleby? Or is that just relative, since Wizard City folks like saying that the source of all magic is a tree, while in comparison the Wysterians think a fountain is the source of all magic lol.
Keen eye, Wizard Hawkward! You've stumbled upon not just a teensie semantic slip-up. Empyrea should have been described as such:
"The central source of Magic for all the Spiral, Empyrea was painstakingly created by Raven to keep the Chaos Heart safe and Spider out. In fact, it was designed to keep pretty much everyone out."
That said though, it's important to remember that the layout of the Spiral is nearly impossible to define in linear geographical or directional terms. Locations within the Spiral, technically speaking, are relative. In certain ways, the Spiral is unorientable altogether. In other ways, you can measure a direct line from Point A to Point B. But you don't want get me started on multidimensional Euclidean space-time!
The important thing to remember is that most living creatures are the center their "world". So when the denizens of a particular location describe their home as being "at the center of everything", they're not wrong. I'm sure most Wizards would agree with saying Wizard City is the center of everything as well, regardless of where it does or doesn't fall on a physical map. Ask any Valencian what the center of the Spiral is, and you'll get a drastically different answer than if you ask a Marleybonian.
So to make a long story short, lore - much like positioning - is dependent upon the perspective of who's writing it.
Well, like many small slip-ups, it can be fixed, Scholar Zander. Your description on what Empyrea should be through your quotations sounds more logical. We're glad there are some Wizards with keen eyes.