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When should I start Dragonspyre?

May 31, 2014
I'm level 41 and I just beat Mooshu and I feel like I'm too low to start DragonSpyre. Just wondering if its a god time to start

Dylan Unicornblood Level 41

Sep 17, 2012
You are at a perfectly normal level for DS. You can either continue in DS or go work on Grizzleheim if you haven't finished the first half of it.

Oct 24, 2010
Drainey3 on Sep 29, 2014 wrote:
I'm level 41 and I just beat Mooshu and I feel like I'm too low to start DragonSpyre. Just wondering if its a god time to start

Dylan Unicornblood Level 41
The only way you're going to know is to go to Dragonspyre and start questing (everyone plays in their own way, has different gear, etc). If you are getting clobbered, you know you will need to level up a bit.

May 09, 2011
I got into DS at the end of level 38. Makes no difference because we both had our level 38 spells, and as a Storm mine would have been Triton. I saw your post, and you are a storm as well. That means that when you entered DS, you had the same spells I did and a little more health, unless you didnt do the Triton quest yet. I'm level 41 now, and I'm midway through the Crucible. You think you're early to hit DS, but try being me at Otin Grimfather's Tower! You are likely to make it there at level 43 or 44. You will get Stormzilla, and you will be able to cut through his tower like butter, unlike me who had to wait the extra turn half the time for Triton. Lol.

Jul 09, 2010
If you do the side quests in mooshu you should be there on level 44.

Jul 19, 2008
Dragonspyre is actually a challenging world because the enemies start spamming Weakness, and Malistaire can be very hard if you don't have a group.

The max level was 50 when Dragonspyre was the last world, so 40 - 50 would be reasonable, I didn't start Dragonspyre till 50, if not a little under, I did all my side tasks though so that helped allot.

P.S. I'm pretty sure I started like level 48 or 49.

P.P.S. There is really no typical levels for people to start certain worlds. I once saw a level 49 in Celestia but I never started Celestia till around level 60.
It just depends if people do their side tasks are not.
I hope this helped

Blaze Ash 95