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The Best Defense, why so hard to solo

Aug 01, 2009
Shadowulph wrote:
I have tried this quest solo 5x and no luck. It is the one where you fight M. Flamewing inside her tower with the 2 protection orbs. They cast shield spells so much that no matter the deck I set up I can't beat her. I get close every time usually with her having 500hp. I'm death, ice, life wizard. If anyone has suggestions it would be appreciated. I have been able to solo everything so far...

I soloed it and won on my first attempt! Here's how I did it. I'm balance, so brought out both my blades and charged Judgement up as much as possible and attacked the boss.. not the pox. She is the only one that can attack, so once she's gone, you're safe. Now, I have the advantage of hitting with a very strong spell that breaks the absorb shields, goes through tower shields and still does huge damage. The key is Judgement! She can do it everytime!

Dec 15, 2008
yeah, use a myth wizard and have them use earthquake, then attack, they will put up shield fast. get rid of the poxes first.

Daniel Stormstaff
lvl 43 Diviner
(Happy to Help)

Dec 26, 2009
If you can, try using fire elf to destroy fire shields then use a Helephant. Or for death students, use Beguile so they protect you instead.