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Playing in Dragonspyre

May 31, 2009
Just a few minutes ago I left a fight where i started it and I had two opponents and up runs a player and begins to place traps and Blades. I was having to place conversions for fire against fire. When I had my Blades and Conversions in place I placed a Fient on one fire opponent. This other player Immediately hits this fient with a Wand hit.
I told this Player NO and then I pressed escape and left him with all three to fight. My message to players here is learn to Play and fight a good fight before you get to Dragonspyre, because it is hard enough without someone doing things they do not know what they are doing.
I have left many a player holding the bag because they would not cooperate in killing these opponents. Many of these times My traps and fients are hit with wasted wand hits. I figure after you have been left holding the bag for a few times then maybe you will learn the good way to play.
I try to teach others the importance of a fient in a hit, this is a 70% increaase in your hit, why waste it on a wand hit? But there are players out there that will. I have quit trying to explain and now just leave the fight.
The game needs a better way to communicate with players that can not have open chat, Ever try to explain to one that Golem tower is a single player thing and you cant help them? Ever try to tell them that if they get killed, heal a little and port back to you. I quit trying to communicate with those without open chat because Game makes it impossible to tell them things they need to know.
My main Gripe here is dont get into another players fight unless you are there to help him or her. Dont hinder them by taking away things they have placed because they placed them there to use. Like traps and fients.
In future I plan on leaving any fight where players seem to not know their business, because they can often get you killed or make the fight extend out longer.
I do not mention names I do not point at any certain class wizard, I am speaking to all Players in General. Learn to fight and kill well with tools given you. If you just run off into a fight and start making trouble you might find yourself alone.