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Loremaster- Who is (or was) she?

Sep 21, 2013
The Loremaster is a really cool-looking boss, though pretty frustrating. On one side of her face, she has a mask that looks like it's attached to her face. She sounds sort of Dragonspyrian to me, and she carries a thick book. She seems to be a ghost, so what I want to know is who was she? Before she became a ghost, and how did she get that mask?

And if she isn't a ghost, what is she? A sort of projection?

And either way, how did she get the title of "Loremaster"?

Tell me what you think!

~Esmee Watertalon, level 47
"Have a problem? Freeze it! Freezing solves everything!"

Sep 05, 2011
She's obviously from Dragonspyre you can tell from her accent. Probably died when the Dragon Titan first attacked. She looks like a librarian of some sort, explains why she's in the Dragonspyre Library.

Bailey Waterrider level 79

Sep 17, 2012
I think it's pretty obvious that she's just another trainer at the Dragonspyre Academy. She is the expert in Lore spells. Spells that were previously only available through the Lore Packs or later from Crafting. Like all the faculty in Dragonspyre, she is a "ghost" or crystal recording of the long dead. She's the Loremaster for obvious reasons. She casts all the Lore spells and has Mastery in all schools.

Apr 21, 2012
GrizzleheimianTham... on Mar 2, 2014 wrote:
The Loremaster is a really cool-looking boss, though pretty frustrating. On one side of her face, she has a mask that looks like it's attached to her face. She sounds sort of Dragonspyrian to me, and she carries a thick book. She seems to be a ghost, so what I want to know is who was she? Before she became a ghost, and how did she get that mask?

And if she isn't a ghost, what is she? A sort of projection?

And either way, how did she get the title of "Loremaster"?

Tell me what you think!

~Esmee Watertalon, level 47
"Have a problem? Freeze it! Freezing solves everything!"
My guess, a person who inhabited Dragonspyre and was killed by the Titan army, very knowledgeable on spells.

Dec 18, 2009
I think that she died in the Titan war protecting her book full of spells. Obviously, she does this even in death.

From, Diana Swiftfountain, lvl 87,