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Kraysys Death Boots

Jun 02, 2009
I have fought Kraysys a lot of times and i still havent gotten my Grand Death Boots Can you check the chances of getting it? :(

-Blaze DeathBreaker

May 20, 2010
Probably the same chances of other grandmaster drops: about 5%, or about one in 20.

Mar 17, 2009
Well, i'm a balance grand and i cant win the grand hat for some reason. i always win his grand death boots; i know a death that fought him 56 times before he got them. just keep fighting him, you're bound to win them :)

May 22, 2009
From the best of my knoweldge, it is a very rare drop, so the chances are extremely low. Also, if you are trying to get them on a death character, it seems that school drops a more rare than out of school drops. For example, to get my grand stuff for my death, it took total about 110 battles to get it all. Now, when using my DEATH to get my FIRE grand gear, it has taken about 10 and i only need a dagger. I never used a drop box. Also, my fire guy has been getting extremly good death drops, but rarely a fire drop, so if you have any alts, break those out and farm with those, may help.

May 02, 2010
It only took me about 5-6 tries to get my Death boots. And before that I got his wand, which has the lowest drop rate on him.