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Apr 22, 2009
I don't know how many other people have had a hard time finishing this quest. I have tried it at least 8 times with no success. I have tons of treasure cards I have used even used my minion (though a few times my minion didn't show up), and that makes it even harder to do this alone. This is too hard for one person to do. I did get to the sixth fight but after many hours of fighting to get there I was killed...very, very frustrating and upsetting. On this quest you should be able to have friends help.

It's too bad you have to make some quests SO HARD and because it is so hard I am angry that I won't be able to finish it :( So I guess I will do other things, it's not worth the time, money you have to spend on treasure cards and the effort involved.

Feb 09, 2009
Now I am curious on what quest this is? Did I miss it? Just Charge it... I will keep an Eye out for it on my death wizard.

May 06, 2009
Truethfully I don't remember this specific quest, but I do remember A LOT of gauntlet runs where you can't bring other folks with you. Frankly I don't like those types of runs you only have 3 potion bottles that's it. My only suggestions would be to a) try and cast a heal spell so that you are close to max at the end of the battle before you finish off the last mob and before you start the next one, and b) not sure it would work (probably not but throwing it out there), but you could try marking where you are and porting out and comming back after you replenished your potion bottles.

Nov 09, 2008

It is not impossible my friend is a Grandmaster and has finished all the quests in dragonspyre so don't lie and say just because you cant do it other people cant. I am on level 40 and i have gotten really far in dragonspyre and my grandmaster friend had friends cause i watched him do the quest. So keep trying and you will get there. Good Luck. Look for daniel skullhammer. if you find him add as friend. bye

Apr 22, 2009
The reason why people play this game and actually pay money to do it Daniel is to have FUN! The developers know that if their customers don't have fun they will not pay.

If you read my post carefully, which obviously you did not, I was relating MY experience. Unless you were standing there with me, which you were not, you have no right to call me a liar!!!!

Don't hold your breath expecting a friend invitation, on second though please do!!!!!

Feb 18, 2009
I agree this is a very difficult instance. You may be able to take friends with you but they have to have the mission to get in, and you can't port in. You can't mark you spot while inside either. my biggest complaint is your not given a time estimate on how long it will take to finish, this would be extremely helpful.

Dec 28, 2008
I didn't think this one was hard at all. Of course, I brought a friend along so it lightened the mood and the load.

Apr 22, 2009
You must be thinking about another quest. This one you had to do alone or I would of definitely had my friends help me. Though I finally did it and finished it, it took awhile and was able to get my minion every time to help me YAY! :D

Aug 02, 2008
IMO; Not just Dragonspyre

The whole game needs some kind of a 'Quest helper Service'
added in a new feature of some kind.
This Quest Helper , will help you find other wizards across the
server grid with the same Quest(s) as you. making it a lot easier to find
new friends as well as form parties to help each other with the quests
that every one has.

May 06, 2009
SyphaN wrote:
IMO; Not just Dragonspyre

The whole game needs some kind of a 'Quest helper Service'
added in a new feature of some kind.
This Quest Helper , will help you find other wizards across the
server grid with the same Quest(s) as you. making it a lot easier to find
new friends as well as form parties to help each other with the quests
that every one has.

Other games would call this a LFG type of ability but YES I FULL AGREE! This would help alot with some of the group orientied quests. Also not all classes of wizards can solo the same. I must admit I am rather spoiled I played my death wizard first (doing damage also healed) so at the end of the fight I was mostly full health. Now I am playing a life wizard, guess what throw a heal before you kill the last mob again end of the fight at or near full health. I started another wizard although I won't really start playing him seriously until I finish ds with my life wizard.

Dec 15, 2008
i am not sure this is the quest you are talking about. i don't know if it is the one in the grand chasm in edrik's vault or if it is after but if it is what i am thinking about(quest in edrik's vault) i have had a problem with that quest. every time i get to the bottom it wont let me to the next room. but every time i do it i get one room closer and that is a big problem i have done it like 10 times and all my friends are stuck on it too!