Looking for someone to do the quest with. I find a lot of people teleporting in and dooing battles but very few that are on the complete quest. Would like to link up with some new "friends" at this level that want to complete dragonspyre. I am at the beginning. Please let me know if u are interested. I am Katherine Dragontail, we can arrange to link up if u respond to this message. Thanks and good fighting. Love this game. :-P
Ok I will try to play the IMP realm look for Katherine Dragontail am online day and nite, please be my freind and help me complete the game. I have finally made it to Crystal Grove and Drake Hatchery but need friends to complete the towers and such. Come join me and let;s have some fun. Love this game.
I have already started quest, but I wouldn't mind helping you get caught up to where I'm at. I'm playing Wiz101 all the time. Just name the time and realm and I'll try to meet up with you.
You might see me running around DS. If you do just ask me, and I'll glady help.
Hi, I'm somewhat in the middle of dragonspire but I wouldn't mind lending a helping hand. Although I'm usually on late, you can add me. Wolf hawkwhisper.