Do I have what it takes to get through Malistaire?
Hey guys! So Im a level 44 storm wizard and ive been grinding for zeus gear. I have the robe and boots but im not sure i really want to grind for the hat. I was wondering if you could check out my deck and give some critique. Also I'd love to see what you think of my deck setup.
Gear: Electrified Band of Mayhem Glorious Chivalric Crown (I also Have the the senators hat) Life Mastery Amulet Sky Iron Hasta Vigilant Steel Zeus's Thunderclap Drape Zeus's Thunderstomp Boots.
What do you think? I think i have a really good setup, but i feel like it could be better. The plan is pretty obvious. I have a lot of power pip potential and then i just hit them with a huge tempest. Let me know :)
Re: Do I have what it takes to get through Malistaire?
Malistaire is pretty easy to go through with a group. You don't need the Glorious Chivalric Crown if you have the senator's hat because the critical doesn't really matter in Dragonspyre. You also sacrifice tons of resist, pip, damage, incoming and outgoing healing and other stats your way. I strongly recommend you level up to level 48-50. Even though you have life mastery don't use seraph. Storm hits are the strongest so it's best to stick to hits of your own school. However,seraph might save your life one day. If you want seraph only put in one. If by ice shield you tower shield then fine. If you mean the -80% ones then that's a bad idea. Put in maximum tower shields at all times. Feint is important if you can train into it. Treasure card feints are good as well as other treasure cards. In my opinion, treasure cards are essential.Put in less Krakens and Catalans because the pip from the senator\Zeus gear combined with the Sky Iron Hasta can give you enough pips to cast Triton second turn. A few more Tritons in your setup would work well. A tip would be to put a greater variety of shields.Tempest is very good on minions\mobs but not bosses. I don't recommend soloing it even with good gear but it is possible.The dungeon only takes 15-20 minutes to complete with friends. The 3 bosses at the beginning you don't have to fight but they give good gear. Elizabeth Stormtail, 62 Fallon Pearlpetal,30