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Crafting, Broken crafting.

Jan 18, 2014
Alrighty. I have been trying to craft for a while and never have been able to craft anything higher than Initiate items.
The reason for this is my crafting is stuck in mooshoo. let me tell you how it is stuck, I have multiple times crafted all requirements for the tale of the 2 rings crafting quest. And every time i went to go turn in the quest it just gave me the same message as it would if I didn't have the quest. All this time it's been giving me this message when I tried to turn my quest in in mooshoo. "It is my pleasure to teach you the art of crafting, I will teach you if you will learn."
Note I have the stuff I need for it in my inventory. However when I looked in my quest book it simply was not there.
At this point I got frustrated and am not willing to spend a month leveling another wizard just for crafting. So I go ahead and take this up with wizard101 support. I have not had a response in 4 days from submitting. It moves onto a week and they respond. I don't see this response that they sent till a day later and they then go to think my question was resolved. I submit another one this week. No response. It's been 4 days. I haven't even gotten a response stating they got my question. So I go to myself and ask is this crafting really worth all the stress. And I decided I should probably think about trying to Contact again and see if I get a response this time. All this time I have been thinking about it and now i'm here posting this to a message board. Anyway, does anyone know what's wrong with my crafting at all. ANY help would be appreciated and thank you for sitting here and reading my long, wordy, board post.

Sep 01, 2008
Wow, sure sounds like you have had one heck of a time with this!

Now, since you've made it to Mooshoo, I can safely assume that you have crafted before and know all of the steps. However, I am not standing next to you and watching as you perform all of those steps, so I'm just going to go over them for piece of mind, k?

1. Purchase crafting spell from Mooshoo vendor
2. Look in your quest book and make sure that the quest and spell are in there.

3. Collect all of the reagents (x2) for the spell.

4. Craft the item (x2)
5. Make sure the items are in your backpack
6. Turn in quest.

Hoping I didn't forget anything, this should complete the quest, and you are able to return to the Mooshoo vendor and get approval for your rings and move on.

Mar 25, 2014
I am having the same exact problem right now. I am stuck at Master Artisan. I have the items doubled and the quest in my spell book, but the quest is not considered complete. I have two rings in my inventory that I took the time to craft and the quest is proclaiming that there are zero rings. This is just unfair because I spent a few hours and I really do not want to do this all over again. I even have the robes and book stands done too.