the trick is if you really want those spells you will work for them and their are several methods to obtain them. aproach every method instead of just one and you will have more luck.
Suri, thank you for your tips. Grats to you also on your good luck! I have been buying those packs as you suggested and ... sigh nothing. lol
I see there are bosses in Aquilla that are dropping amber so I will be farming them now! I am very hopeful and happy KI has given us a FREE way to farm the Amber. THANK YOU KI!
I am now at 6 Amber need 6 more for the spell I want to craft. I plant all the suggested plants with focus on the White Tiger lily.
So far I have gotten Amber from Red Bell Pepper and King Parsley ONLY. But I won't give up on the others. I will keep at it.
Hey is anyone else having trouble harvesting their plants? I will harvest a few then suddenly it won't let me click on them. I log off and on and sometimes that will work. If I play another wizard for a while then go back to her I usually can finish harvesting. And NO my bags are not full, my TC are not full, and nor my seeds etc. IT is a bug.
I farmed the Gladiator Boss in Aquila yesterday and I am happy to report in just five battles I got 2 amber and now have just about all the reagents to craft another amber. NOT to mention pet drops there a LOT. So now I am up to almost 9 amber of the 12 I need and will be farming that boss again! I also got turquois, amber dust and merl's whiskers!
Sooooooooooo glad KI made amber drop somewhere for us!
I went and got the 60k crowns while it was on sale... twice and i got 8 amber now, a crap ton of treasure cards some i need to craft spells, i also got one of the spells i was hoping for Brimstone Revenant! woohoo! but for $120 bucks worth of crowns that is sad, but i have no regrets.
I was in game and upon showing off my new spell Brimstone a few people made the short comment of where did you get that? did you get it from loremaster. so i investigated loremaster to find out what it was. turns out there is a boss that drops all crafted spells! so i have been farming this boss like crazy!
I now i have Brimstone Revenant, Keeper of flame, Loremaster, ninja pigs and savage paw. which only one of those spells i actually use.
I am still farming hoping for luminous weaver! goat monk and deer knight.
There is a secret boss in mount Olympus that drops amber, but it's for like lvl 90 wizards. When u go to do the puzzle with the statues go inside in the gate behind them . It is very hard like I said but 3 lvl 90 wiz did it with me and we won and I got one amber from it first try, didn't even know (not to be a spoiler just trying to help people sry!!!) also there is now a new boss called the lore master in dragonsypre library that u can fight over and over and there is a chance u can get one of the crafted spells!! ( she is hard but lots of high lvl wizards are always there so... ) good luck guys and btw I have planted tons of king parsley but got one amber only ...
I farmed the gladiator boss for three days and have crafted my Deer Knight Spell! It was a proud moment lol. I actually got goosebumps, had to call my son into the room to watch, Ya I am a bit of a Geek ha ha
I ended up transmuting three ambers, I got six ambers from gardening, ( Red Bell Peppers and King Parsely, my white tiger lilies and deadly ninja figs still haven't dropped any, I think its just random luck ) and the rest were dropped by the Gladiator Boss, AKA the "secret boss"
Very grateful that KI made a way for us to also battle for the chance of it dropping too! So recipes that use amber are still a challange but do able with hard work!