You get it from the Sun School Trainer. On that link, also click on the "Sun School Trainer" for more details. There is a quest you must do to "repair the trainer obelisk" first.
lol hi i am a level 82 and i think i finished the cenote area, so far azteca is interesting. but it seems like a super long world?
It is a fairly long world if you are going solo. It goes pretty quickly though if you can find 1-2 questing buddies on the same track as you. It is a really fun world if you get a friend at the same level to work through it together. It is worth the work though. The new world is much more "solo friendly", so don't give up hope. It also depends how often you play. Hardcore determined players can finish it in a few days. It took me about a week solo (except for Belloq in Twin and Undead Malistaire in Xibalba) I got a friend to help on those.
I really need to know why Azteca is so irritably long and difficult! It makes nooo sense! I can't solo any boss (besides the ones that unlock the Sun Star and Moon schools along with my Storm Owl but i needed Henchmen for those things) Like, wasn't Avalon enough with the constant bosses? Plus, it's hard to level up once.
I can't wait for Azteca! I have been waiting forever! Avalon felt way longer than it really was and I don't know why? Anyway I was really angry when I found out that ghost avalon wasn't the last dungeon but I liked that last dungeon better, it was really cool. So now I'm a lvl 80 death about to go into Azteca. I can't wait I really hope Azteca isn't as impossible as everyone is saying. Anyway I am going to start questing tomorrow after school. I am usually on either vampire or the first crowded server that it says.
Dear Professor Greyrose, My wizard, Anna Dreamcaller went up to the Obsidian mirror to break it and continue on through the web. The box never came up allowing me to break it. Can you help me please? Thanks, Anna
I am level 88 wizard i am facing off with clemente i can't seem to defeat him i have no fire resistant i am not sure how to defeat him what can i do to defeat him sense i have no crowns to help me
Azteca is a fairly good world with one exception, could we make it a tad bit easier for us by adding gold treasure chests in this world. Same as putting a puzzle together quickly, but the rewards being at top notch including items grand master and transcendent artisans need. Including wands, gold and oddly crowns?
Hey! Sorry for the inconvenience, but i havn't visited the spiral in quite some time and have seemed to have lost my main quest on my balance! Currently in azteca, but not sure what part I was last in. Would appreciate any help, Thanks!
even though i just started Zafaria, i am really excited to go to Azteca. I'm only in Savannah,who cares though! Azteca is my favorite world,with like all the dinosaurs and birds and meteors falling from the sky. although i do think Azteca might be a bit hard. Is it? can anyone tell me?
Azteca is really good even though we failed at the end it was really good. The animation was amazing along with the story along with new spells with every element except for cause it wasn't introduced yet. The plot twist at the end I loved how you did it cause malistare came back and it led to darkmoor. so what i'm saying is for you to keep doing worlds like azteca. It might even be better than khrysalis in many ways well except for the new element and its animation
Anyone know how to unlock astral spells in azteca cause i'm already a level 87 and there's no quest about the astral spells in azteca. Please help. There's only count of days and night of the comet.
The quest might not pop up as you usually get it so you might want to look for it instead of waiting for it
So, how does Morganthe expect Xibalba to destroy Azteca when it is already in many peices? And the comet is obviously breaking in to tiny little peices. Instead of the world getting destroyed, it's more likely that people will be getting beaned in the head with ice pellets for months. I am quite confused.
So, how does Morganthe expect Xibalba to destroy Azteca when it is already in many peices? And the comet is obviously breaking in to tiny little peices. Instead of the world getting destroyed, it's more likely that people will be getting beaned in the head with ice pellets for months. I am quite confused.
Azteca is home to the Aztecosaurs; the oldest race in the Spiral. Long believed to have been lost, this world now lives in peril of being destroyed...
Players who are a minimum of level 75 and who have completed the Avalon quest "A Great Storm Coming" must speak to Cyrus Drake in Ravenwood (not Merle like you usually do). He will send you along to Marleybone for a very unique experience. Completing Cyrus' quest will give you the Spiral Key to Azteca.
The Quest "A Great Storm Coming" would have given you the badge: "Hero of Avalon".
For our Crowns players, Azteca is broken up into 6 different zones. These zones will cost 1995 Crowns each for a total of 11970 Crowns to purchase the entire world of Azteca.
Hi I have quested through Azteca and i am level 87 and have not gotten the quest for the star spell sleet storm.
I am not able to block crtitcal and my critical block is at 245 and critical at 379 but it doesnt work much in Azteca. WHy? Need some explaining please W101