Azteca's not everyone's favorite. I know many Wizards have said that venturing into this world has been one of, in not, the most horrible worlds in Wizard101. I really find that sad because I found Azteca to be pretty enjoyable for myself. Not really by difficulty but the actual beauty and lore within the world.
The difficulty of this world is what I think gets in the way of people enjoying it. It's quest line is set in a Defeat/Defeat & Collect-Boss Fight-Defeat/Defeat & Collect-Boss Fight, etc. Generally, the bosses will be of a high level and the drops in collect quest are low. That set up makes the questing boring and monotonous because you'd spend half an hour trying to collect than 45-mins to an hour trying to beat a boss than it's rinse, wash, and repeat. That set-up makes Azteca a pretty unappealing world, which is a shame because I found the story part of it to be well put together.
Now, KI has tried to lessen the burden of Azteca by lowering the health and pip start of Mobs, which is a good start. They have stated that they will continue to monitor this world, but I'd like to suggest how they could take it a step further. So I'd suggest this:
-Lower the Health and Starting pips of Bosses and demote some Bosses to Elites around Azteca: Azteca's entire quest line involves battling a Bosses pretty often. Even with the Mobs being of lowered difficulty, it's always been the bosses that have made a stronger impact. Lowering their ranks and healths keeps the quests from stalling on and makes progression move a little faster. -Make the Defeat & Collect Quests extremely easy: Again, another constant in Azteca. Because the majority of Azteca's quests are Defeat & Collect, they shouldn't be such a hindrance or overly felt. -Increase the drop rates of Turquoise and the Potent Trap Treasure Cards: This simply helps Wizards progress to the next crafting level. -Remove Mobs on the second level of all Pyramids and 3 tier instant dungeons and insert a puzzle: Wizards have asked for more puzzles and implementing them in Azteca 1) answers a request and 2) brings more of the old character of Wizard101 into the higher worlds. This also breaks up Azteca's pattern, aforementioned. -Add some kind of warning prior to battles with cheating bosses in Azteca: While removing the cheats would make things much easier, it would take away from some kind of difficulty with my suggestions already supporting an all out nerf. I'd rather KI add in more icons appearing to the right of the screen indicating this is a difficulty instance (like they did with multiple dungeons before the 2nd Arc), than just making Azteca a push-over world. -Remove Belloq(Twin Giants)'s cheat or make the penalty of not attacking less severe: Such as removing his minion or casting regular powered Power Nova's. -Add More Unique Drops and Pets: Drops are getting exclusive to side dungeons now. Adding loot to a world with little bank for your buck adds more motivation and interest.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
Cunning Finnigan S... on Jun 23, 2014 wrote:
Azteca's not everyone's favorite. I know many Wizards have said that venturing into this world has been one of, in not, the most horrible worlds in Wizard101. I really find that sad because I found Azteca to be pretty enjoyable for myself. Not really by difficulty but the actual beauty and lore within the world.
The difficulty of this world is what I think gets in the way of people enjoying it. It's quest line is set in a Defeat/Defeat & Collect-Boss Fight-Defeat/Defeat & Collect-Boss Fight, etc. Generally, the bosses will be of a high level and the drops in collect quest are low. That set up makes the questing boring and monotonous because you'd spend half an hour trying to collect than 45-mins to an hour trying to beat a boss than it's rinse, wash, and repeat. That set-up makes Azteca a pretty unappealing world, which is a shame because I found the story part of it to be well put together.
Now, KI has tried to lessen the burden of Azteca by lowering the health and pip start of Mobs, which is a good start. They have stated that they will continue to monitor this world, but I'd like to suggest how they could take it a step further. So I'd suggest this:
-Lower the Health and Starting pips of Bosses and demote some Bosses to Elites around Azteca: Azteca's entire quest line involves battling a Bosses pretty often. Even with the Mobs being of lowered difficulty, it's always been the bosses that have made a stronger impact. Lowering their ranks and healths keeps the quests from stalling on and makes progression move a little faster. -Make the Defeat & Collect Quests extremely easy: Again, another constant in Azteca. Because the majority of Azteca's quests are Defeat & Collect, they shouldn't be such a hindrance or overly felt. -Increase the drop rates of Turquoise and the Potent Trap Treasure Cards: This simply helps Wizards progress to the next crafting level. -Remove Mobs on the second level of all Pyramids and 3 tier instant dungeons and insert a puzzle: Wizards have asked for more puzzles and implementing them in Azteca 1) answers a request and 2) brings more of the old character of Wizard101 into the higher worlds. This also breaks up Azteca's pattern, aforementioned. -Add some kind of warning prior to battles with cheating bosses in Azteca: While removing the cheats would make things much easier, it would take away from some kind of difficulty with my suggestions already supporting an all out nerf. I'd rather KI add in more icons appearing to the right of the screen indicating this is a difficulty instance (like they did with multiple dungeons before the 2nd Arc), than just making Azteca a push-over world. -Remove Belloq(Twin Giants)'s cheat or make the penalty of not attacking less severe: Such as removing his minion or casting regular powered Power Nova's. -Add More Unique Drops and Pets: Drops are getting exclusive to side dungeons now. Adding loot to a world with little bank for your buck adds more motivation and interest.
i know what you mean i loved azteca well love it havent beaten it yet but love the way it looks and the story so far also love the fact its based around dinos makes me wish there were more pets that are modled after dinosoures
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
Cunning Finnigan S... on Jun 23, 2014 wrote:
Azteca's not everyone's favorite. I know many Wizards have said that venturing into this world has been one of, in not, the most horrible worlds in Wizard101. I really find that sad because I found Azteca to be pretty enjoyable for myself. Not really by difficulty but the actual beauty and lore within the world.
The difficulty of this world is what I think gets in the way of people enjoying it. It's quest line is set in a Defeat/Defeat & Collect-Boss Fight-Defeat/Defeat & Collect-Boss Fight, etc. Generally, the bosses will be of a high level and the drops in collect quest are low. That set up makes the questing boring and monotonous because you'd spend half an hour trying to collect than 45-mins to an hour trying to beat a boss than it's rinse, wash, and repeat. That set-up makes Azteca a pretty unappealing world, which is a shame because I found the story part of it to be well put together.
Now, KI has tried to lessen the burden of Azteca by lowering the health and pip start of Mobs, which is a good start. They have stated that they will continue to monitor this world, but I'd like to suggest how they could take it a step further. So I'd suggest this:
-Lower the Health and Starting pips of Bosses and demote some Bosses to Elites around Azteca: Azteca's entire quest line involves battling a Bosses pretty often. Even with the Mobs being of lowered difficulty, it's always been the bosses that have made a stronger impact. Lowering their ranks and healths keeps the quests from stalling on and makes progression move a little faster. -Make the Defeat & Collect Quests extremely easy: Again, another constant in Azteca. Because the majority of Azteca's quests are Defeat & Collect, they shouldn't be such a hindrance or overly felt. -Increase the drop rates of Turquoise and the Potent Trap Treasure Cards: This simply helps Wizards progress to the next crafting level. -Remove Mobs on the second level of all Pyramids and 3 tier instant dungeons and insert a puzzle: Wizards have asked for more puzzles and implementing them in Azteca 1) answers a request and 2) brings more of the old character of Wizard101 into the higher worlds. This also breaks up Azteca's pattern, aforementioned. -Add some kind of warning prior to battles with cheating bosses in Azteca: While removing the cheats would make things much easier, it would take away from some kind of difficulty with my suggestions already supporting an all out nerf. I'd rather KI add in more icons appearing to the right of the screen indicating this is a difficulty instance (like they did with multiple dungeons before the 2nd Arc), than just making Azteca a push-over world. -Remove Belloq(Twin Giants)'s cheat or make the penalty of not attacking less severe: Such as removing his minion or casting regular powered Power Nova's. -Add More Unique Drops and Pets: Drops are getting exclusive to side dungeons now. Adding loot to a world with little bank for your buck adds more motivation and interest.
I for one think I spent too much time in this world. I had several on my friends list that I was helping since DS and helped them though AZ, so I repeated stuff a lot. I had 3 menu chats to get though Xeblah blah. One of my menu chats got text chat along the way. Oddly they are not playing now either. I think the beginning of the new worlds 2 solo boss fights got them down and a glimpse of how the new world would be no picnic for them. I did not help them with KS since I wasn't planning on completing that world. A few friended me on new wizards they made. One only plays when he has crowns to buy henchmen.
I left a wizard in AZ and took 2 others though. I stopped questing on them in the beginning areas of KS. Altho some day I may pick up questing again in KS on my main wizard, I don't think so. A few years ago I had decided I wasn't going to quest past the end of Zafaria even if and when a new world came out, I wish I had stuck to this idea..
From here on in all my new wizards will end the game at the end of Avalon, maybe - the ending area there does me in with those under water and several boss cave battles on and double cheating boss dungeons to get out of there are aggravating.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
I agree on Azteca being a really cool world, with beautiful areas and a great storyline, I also had absolutely no trouble mostly soloing it on my Death. I actually thought the world was pretty easy, counting out some things, for example two-man Xibooboo, it was a challenge, but a fun one. The only thing I have trouble with is fully understanding the hate for Azteca Overall, I really enjoyed it.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
i'm in the salt medow swamp and i'm loving azteca! its over all the best world for me and its not very hatefull for me. Its good to see other people that enjoy the world.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
i wanted to love azteca. i really did- i mean, dinosaurs and *spoiler alert* my undead husband are super-awesome. but it was just too much for this casual gamer.
i completed it twice before the nerf, once after. all three were monotonous and mentally exhausting.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
I do love the look of Azteca. I could never follow the storyline, because it's a bit convoluted and so mish-mashed, that it was hard to separate from the sides.
Before the nerf, my Ice and Balance went through. After, my Death breezed through Azteca. Yeah, they lowered the health and pips of some, but they also increased the pierce. Even though my Death has 46 resist across the board, I was still getting hit for huge amounts because of the pierce.
My Myth is/was going through (I'm taking a break). She's got it pretty easy so far. She's up just past Alto Alto. The hard part is all the myth mobs she's having to fight. That makes it a bit tedious.
Overall, I still love the look, and Azteca might need a bit of tweaking here and there down the road.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
I was saddened by this myself. I actually like the whole Aztec theme, and a lot of the artwork was interesting. I used to live in Central America, and I have spent a fair amount of time in Mexico also -- including travelling the country from south to north on a motorcycle. So I was really interested in the concept of the place.
But for me, they ruined it, first, by making it apocalyptic, which for me is just an ugly and unfortunate choice from the get-go. Second, they ruined it by making it to battle-centered, with tediously long to complete dungeons and cheats. So the whole atmosphere, feeling, sense of effort and struggle -- all of it make it not much fun for me.
I come to a game to relax, not to work and struggle and toil. And we have more than enough apocalyptic stuff on the daily news, with wars and plague-like epidemics and murderers and such. I personally don't think we need that kind of stuff in a family game ostensibly aimed at younger kids.
So I am not sure what I will do when my daughter's wizard and the one I have going along with her reach that world. But for now, I just stay away.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
I have to say that the whole thing is getting old. I have 2 stuck in Celestia, my 5th and 6th characters and on the 5th & 6th time through, Celestia isn't getting any better. One in Zafaria and on the 4th time through it's just boring. One in Avalon, which I enjoy playing but my friends have pretty much dropped out. One in Azteca and even though it's only the 2nd time through that world, I just can't get excited about it, it seems like Marleybone 2 with a lot of pointless back & forth. I have one that is ready to go to the Solar Arc and as soon as I get to the vendor that sells shadow weapons recipes, I'll do my crafting and then stop until the level cap is raised again, but I have little hope for bringing my lower characters up. The grind is just not fun anymore.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
Cunning Finnigan S... on Jun 23, 2014 wrote:
Azteca's not everyone's favorite. I know many Wizards have said that venturing into this world has been one of, in not, the most horrible worlds in Wizard101. I really find that sad because I found Azteca to be pretty enjoyable for myself. Not really by difficulty but the actual beauty and lore within the world.
The difficulty of this world is what I think gets in the way of people enjoying it. It's quest line is set in a Defeat/Defeat & Collect-Boss Fight-Defeat/Defeat & Collect-Boss Fight, etc. Generally, the bosses will be of a high level and the drops in collect quest are low. That set up makes the questing boring and monotonous because you'd spend half an hour trying to collect than 45-mins to an hour trying to beat a boss than it's rinse, wash, and repeat. That set-up makes Azteca a pretty unappealing world, which is a shame because I found the story part of it to be well put together.
Now, KI has tried to lessen the burden of Azteca by lowering the health and pip start of Mobs, which is a good start. They have stated that they will continue to monitor this world, but I'd like to suggest how they could take it a step further. So I'd suggest this:
-Lower the Health and Starting pips of Bosses and demote some Bosses to Elites around Azteca: Azteca's entire quest line involves battling a Bosses pretty often. Even with the Mobs being of lowered difficulty, it's always been the bosses that have made a stronger impact. Lowering their ranks and healths keeps the quests from stalling on and makes progression move a little faster. -Make the Defeat & Collect Quests extremely easy: Again, another constant in Azteca. Because the majority of Azteca's quests are Defeat & Collect, they shouldn't be such a hindrance or overly felt. -Increase the drop rates of Turquoise and the Potent Trap Treasure Cards: This simply helps Wizards progress to the next crafting level. -Remove Mobs on the second level of all Pyramids and 3 tier instant dungeons and insert a puzzle: Wizards have asked for more puzzles and implementing them in Azteca 1) answers a request and 2) brings more of the old character of Wizard101 into the higher worlds. This also breaks up Azteca's pattern, aforementioned. -Add some kind of warning prior to battles with cheating bosses in Azteca: While removing the cheats would make things much easier, it would take away from some kind of difficulty with my suggestions already supporting an all out nerf. I'd rather KI add in more icons appearing to the right of the screen indicating this is a difficulty instance (like they did with multiple dungeons before the 2nd Arc), than just making Azteca a push-over world. -Remove Belloq(Twin Giants)'s cheat or make the penalty of not attacking less severe: Such as removing his minion or casting regular powered Power Nova's. -Add More Unique Drops and Pets: Drops are getting exclusive to side dungeons now. Adding loot to a world with little bank for your buck adds more motivation and interest.
Yes I totally agree ! My Balance wizard really struggled through AZ which was before the nerf but my Storm Wizard had little trouble. I'm now taking my Fire Wizard through and I'm really not enjoying it. I love the look of AZ (I've tried planting clumps of plants for that tropical look but can't do it.) I've had to purchase henchmen to get through most bosses. I'm using ww gear, sword of kings and my Frontier Dragon has spritely and defy but even with all that it is a struggle. I get angry that my criticals are ALWAYS blocked but I NEVER block theirs and it only takes a couple of their crit hits to almost wipe you out. I absolutely loathe having to battle a boss only to be rewarded with a lousy piece of mist wood! and a few low level pet snacks. I've only received three pieces of gear from fights which is pretty bad considering I'm on the verge of going to Alto Alto. KI really dropped the ball with AZ. I really get annoyed with that "you did not collect.... try again" time after time. Once, Twice even four times ok but more than this and it becomes frustrating and boring. It is amazing so many of us perservered and went on to KS Michael Dragonflame et al Lvl 82
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
Azteca is a beautiful world. Very colorful. My favorite area is the waterfalls near the storm elementals. I forgot what place it is. Been through it 4 times. The first was before the nerf. This is probably my favorite world after Avalon. 2 accounts, side by side, goes quick and easy.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
I totally agree with you. I'm on the third place in Azteca, and I had trouble finding people to help me with bosses. There are too many bosses in Azteca, but I LOVE that place still
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
The bosses are giving me more trouble than in previous worlds. I can't cast a spell without being blasted with some high-attack spell, then I would have to worry about healing, and finding my life spells before I get blasted again. The minions are also a really big problem. I want to focus on the boss, which my spell deck is set up for, but I first kill the minions, only to find myself defeated by the next round.
I improved my gear a bit by getting the hat and robe of the Water works gear. The shoes, I haven't been so lucky with. Critical doesn't effect me at all because of my wand, and I'm thankful for that. My ring, and amulet come from the Bazaar, but so far I haven't found any better quality. My uhh... "Sword" comes from a boss in Avalon, but I don't remember which one. My crafting is Adept at the moment, as difficulty finding reagents has had it's affect on me.
I just wish Azteca was an easier world, or just lower some of the bosses to a soloable level. Maybe it's just my way of playing that gets things messed up, but I really don't know.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
Azteca doesn't seem very hard, I've been soloing almost all of it with a storm. Though, it's not exactly my favorite, but I will give them credit for how they designed the areas.
Re: I Really Wish Azteca Wasn't Such A Hated World
Let me preface this post by stating that these are my opinions based on how I play the game, not on how others play it. I did Azteca first with my Balance Wizard, and I absolutely hated it. I think a big part of the hatred was because I loved Avalon so much that AZ seemed to be a letdown. I was also a bit in denial, as I wasn't expecting the difficulty level to increase as much as it did. It also seemed to me that Azteca was a bit stacked against Balance Wizards, and I stubbornly refused to find resist gear, as I had spent a great deal of Crowns on gear for that particular Wizard. My second trip to Azteca was with my Death Wizard, which pretty much breezed through Zafaria and Avalon, and I was waiting for the other shoe to drop when doing Azteca. I had no probs with any of the fights including Cipactli, which was the Bane of my Balance Wizard's existence. So I tried a new tack with my Death Wizard, using high resist gear that I had gotten from drops, and actually getting lucky with my spells so I was able to keep up with the stupid dance. I did prevail in that fight, and with only one or two exceptions have soloed all the way to El Marrow, where I am currently. My stubbornness and refusal to adapt and change strategy caused me a great deal of difficulty and angst my first time through, and I am happy to say that all the whining I did about the difficulty of AZ was misplaced. This is actually a fun world. The graphics are beautiful, the characters interesting, and the drops are actually pretty good. So I apologize for all the whining and look forward to finishing AZ and hitting Insect Central with renewed vigor. Have fun Young Wizards!!