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Can't turn in crafting quest

Mar 22, 2013
Hey, so I have a quest I am trying to turn in for my crafting quest in dragonspyre and it is saying I finshed it but when I go to turn it in it is not letting me. Does anyone know how to resolve this? Please help!

Mar 24, 2009
From personal experience, I've found that if I sell/feed to pet/etc things for a crafted quest before turning the quest in, then it wont let me turn the quest in because the items aren't in my backpack. Make sure that you have all the items you need in your backpack before going to turn in the quest, because even if you technically crafted everything and have completed it, if they aren't in your backpack it's technically not done.
130 130 97 72 54 48 10

Nov 23, 2012
You can most likely buy the items in the bazaar that you have crafted. I sold my athames and rings before but bought them again in order to complete my quest!